Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Bucket List

Having just marked one thing off the bucket list (be in a play), I have started to wonder what I/we should tackle next. You see, it's a family bucket list, with a few things on it that are obviously mine (like Brent is going to learn to make molten chocolate fudge cake) and a few that are Brents like visit 50 states. He has two left, and we're going to Tennessee next week. The other is Alaska.

Other things that we have already done are: visit the Mystery Spot, visit the Winchester Mystery House, see Niagara Falls, visit Arches, go to Mt. Rushmore, go to Washington DC, and we have been all over New York State.

The current list:

Carlsbad Caverns

Glacier National Park

Yellowstone (we've been there, but H hasn't)



Go to Catalina Island (again, H hasn't been)

Great Stone Face (I'm not sure if Brent has been there or not, but there is a rock formation that is in the shape of Joseph Smiths head)

Paul Bunyan's Log Pile (Brent and I found this, and H hasn't been)

Make Macaroni Grill Lemon Cake

Disneyland/Disney World (Spring Break of 2011)

Gettysburg (the one thing we didn't see when we were in DC)

Go on a Cruise


Rome/Italy (I want to visit all the things mentioned in Angels and Demons)

Set-up model train in basement

Take H on a river run

Take H to New York City


Timpanogas Cave (take H before it shuts down)

Heber Creeper

Durango, Colorado

Grand Canyon

Find, Destroy Atlantis

Drive through Uintahs (that's a Brent one)

Be on Wheel of Fortune (Lindsay)

Write a book (again, Lindsay)

South American Ruins

Visit all 50 states (so close Brent)

Scuba Diving


I'm thinking the next on the list will be the Great Stone Face or Paul Bunyans log pile. It is way too freaking hot to visit Hole-In-The-Rock, and we will most likely do Zions or Bryces for fall break. Perhaps we will do Timp. Cave while my nieces are out here.

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