A lot of people spend their weekends doing home improvement projects. Our neighbors are often seen mowing their lawns, cleaning out their garages, and unloading items purchased at Home Depot. Many women I know compile honey do lists for their husbands. I admit I often have honey do's for Brent, but I haven't quite mastered the concept of the honey do. Brent's honey do's usually involve putting batteries in remotes. Yes, I am that lazy. I will switch to another remote control instead of changing the batteries myself. The only batteries I will change when he is gone are the ones in the smoke alarm. Otherwise, it's going to wait for Brent.
Brent also ends up with things like "check H's bike to see if the seat is the right height", or "put salt in the water softener." This week he's going to be putting up the decorations for Halloween. He's the one that wanted a big graveyard in the front yard, so he's going to darn well be the one to set it up. I usually end up taking all of Halloween and Christmas down, which is somewhat irritating, but it is what it is.
We usually spend our weekends having fun as a family. Unlike most of our neighbors, friends and family, Brent travels most of the time. He is basically gone from Sunday night to Friday night, so our Saturdays are the only time we have to hang out together. And we are not going to blow that time on mowing the lawn or weeding the yard. If we're going to blow that day we're going to do it by staying up too late, sleeping in too late, and playing WII all day. Once one of Brent's brothers was trying to solicit helpers for a project. I flat out told him that Brent wasn't available. I have no problems keeping him from having other obligations on Saturdays. He is already scheduled taking H and I out for lunch.
Sundays are a bit of a trial for us. Right now we have morning church and it just doesn't work in a house of night owls. Brent would sleep all day if you would let him, and H is known as mini Brent when it comes to mornings. We do sometimes make it to church, but our attendance rate is much higher when the meetings are at 11:00am or 1:00.
Our current Sunday schedule shows that after we have lunch Mommy gets to have a nap and H and Brent have daddy/daughter time. Sometimes they go for drives, sometimes they watch tv, and sometimes they go on bike rides. Since H tends to poop out rather early on bike rides, this is one that won't be attempted again for awhile.
Almost every Sunday we have dinner with my family, either at my dad's place or at our house. Since my youngest brother Ryan is working at the Payson Wal-Mart, we've been having Sunday dinners at our place so he can pop in, see the family, and have a meal. After dinner we usually drive Brent to the airport or help Brent pack for his trip. Helping is used loosely, because H and I are more of a hindrance than a help.
If we're at home Sunday night we watch tv, play WII, and attempt to go to bed at a reasonable hour. 11:00pm is reasonable, right? Just don't tell the Supernanny that H is up with us.
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